About Saint Joseph Regional School
The purpose of Saint Joseph Regional School is the total integration of Catholic living and academic pursuits to develop the whole child. To carry out this process of education, the school endeavors to create a special atmosphere animated by the gospel spirit of freedom, charity, and respect towards all.
Bound by charity to one another and to their students, and infused with apostolic zeal, the teachers at St. Joseph Regional School give witness to Christ by their lives, as well as by their teachings. They are committed to the highest level of educational professionalism and creativity.
Saint Joseph Regional School strives to foster in the students positive self-images and a spirit of inquiry and discovery that will inspire them to attain a mastery of curriculum commensurate with their potential. The students are provided with fundamental knowledge and usable skills sufficient to prepare them for life’s work. A sensitivity to cultural and aesthetic experience is also encouraged. The students are urged to extend their interests and concerns beyond themselves into the total community, in order to foster in them a sense of responsible freedom and a desire to acquire those qualities of heart and mind necessary for effective service to others.
We recognize and work toward helping the students develop their unique personalities. We encourage the students to nurture a relationship with God and each one in our school community which will be evident in the manner in which they respectfully relate to teachers and peers.
Our Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Regional School, founded in 1958, strives to foster the development of the whole child within a gospel centered environment. We encourage students to question, seek understanding, and practice acceptance. We recognize the dignity of the human person and help students to develop mature relationships with God, themselves and the world around them.